Coupon Codes

On this page, you can create coupon code and configure corresponding discount as you need. After you provide this coupon code to your customers, they can own discount when placing an order.

Please click “Add New Coupon Code”, then you will enter following interface.

Coupon Code: Please input the coupon code.

Discount Type: Please choose the type of discount.
If you choose “Reduce Fixed Price”, then it will reduce a fixed amount when using the coupon code to pay.
If you choose “[Value]% Off”, then you will own % off when using the coupon code to pay.

Discount Value: Please input the value of discount.
If you choose “Reduce Fixed Price” in “Discount Type” option and fill in “10” here, then it means that it will reduce 10 when using this coupon code to pay.
If you choose “[Value]% Off” in “Discount Type” option and fill in “10” here, then it means that it will give 10% off when using this coupon code to pay.

Expired Date: Please configure the expired date for this coupon code.

Quantity: Please fill in quanity for this coupon code.